Reflections on MLK Day
I became aware of Martin Luther King, Jr. on January 15, 1976.
I was in 8th grade and nearly a third of my classmates, all African-American, were not in school. I still remember a teacher telling me it was MLK’s birthday.
When I asked one of my classmates where he was the other day, he said “Church. Listening to the preacher talk about the words and work of Dr. King.”
Seven years later, I watched as the Senate vote to make Dr. King’s birthday a federal holiday. A significant percentage of the GOP voted against doing so. I doubt it could be passed today.
In January 1992, I was inspired by Senator Harris Wofford, for whom I worked, to make the federal holiday honoring Dr. King a day of service. I have done so for 30 years now.
Suggest you do the same.