Donald Trump is obsessed with CNN.
Probably because he cannot control it nor ignore it. Newspapers and magazines are easy. They are static records that succumb to issues of relevancy, staleness, and over time accuracy.
A search of Trump’s Twitter Archive (a delightful record of Trump’s observations) yields all kinds of obsessions. Of his 56,571 tweets: CNN has 623 specfics mentions. Fox does better (962), but Fake News, which encompasses CNN, has 1217 of its own mentions1.
One can only imagine what President Biden, the Democrats, and the handful of anti-Trump Republicans will make of his tweets should Trump decide to run again for President. And for Trump, a man known for denying not merely facts but even his own words, it’s politically nettlesome. And since there is even a record of what Trump deleted on his own end2, it’s not an easy problem from which to become unstuck.
Although since January 8, 2021, there are no Donald Trump’s tweets; revelations and reports of Trump’s obsession with watching television, particularly CNN, are well documented. An excessive amount of “executive time” devoted to watching television as president3 has turned into a constant habit post-presidency4.
All of which makes Trump’s obsession over the January 6th hearings understandable and his reaction predictable5. Trump fuming over things is hardly new6. He does it7 and has done it8 so often and habitually whenever he does not get his way9.
However January 6th has sent Trump into a very different kind of meltdown10. The whys of it are rather obvious. Conservative anti-Trump Republicans have found an idealist means to separate themselves from Trumpism11 and pragmatically so.
For the Left, the journalistic convenience of an adult verb to describe Donald Trump’s habit of having screaming fits over bad news with occassional violence involving condiments12 ought to be replaced with a much better understood noun.
Temper Tantrum.
Temper Trumptrum
Yep, or “man child” as an overarching descriptor of his persona.